World fitness federation   |   World body building federation




2021. Celebrating fifty four of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International Activities and confronting the coming New Year of 2021 -  Congratulating Words of the President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International DSc. Edmundas Daubaras.

Closing the year of the 2020 we want to thank all of You for the huge work that was done.Corona virus tried to stop us but we managed to continue our work. We have been working much and achieved good positive results in 2020 again. Today the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International federation unites national organizations of 136 countries, that represent all Continents. Some time ago Kuwait joined the W.F.F. - W.B.B.F. activities.

In 2020 the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. organized many contests in various countries. The year began with the official visit to Ukraine in January. There were a number of International activities in the city of Lvov. Then for the social work done the International Vice President LALIT KUMAR SONI (India) was presented with the “Honour Professor’s” title by the oldest Ukraine Stavropigion University. Also the International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and one of bodybuilding pioneers in the Socialist Countries a known writer and journalist VALERIJ KORESHKOV were presented with the U.N.E.S.C.O. diplomas.

In February and March, 2020 a number of International happenings were held in India Ludhiana and Delhi Cities. First time all International Chairmen were working together in India: President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, Vice Presidents ANDREJ BASOV and LALIT SONI.

After this a corona virus started in most countries and the calendar of planned works was changed totally. Nevertheless many local contests were organized in various countries.

In September the 31-st World and Europe Championship was held in Klaipeda, Lithuania. It was held together with the historic World’s oldest competition the 53-d “Amber Prix International” (1968-2020, «Янтарный приз», „Gintarinis prizas“). To make competitions successful helped International Specialists: EDITA SENDRIENE, SVETLANA PUGACHEVA  and UGNE RAUDYTE DAUBARIENE. After it for the Chairmen of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International Official meeting at the Parliament Republic Lithuania was held. During the Official Visit to the Parliament the Member of the Parliament Youth and Sport Commission GEDIMINAS VASILIAUSKAS was present at the event. Then a number of the World Bodybuilding Legends were honored and awarded with the International Honor Silver Medal: an U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Pioneer, one of five Chairmen of the first U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation VALERIJ KORESHKOV (ВалерийКорешков), an U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Pioneer, one of five Chairmen of the first U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation VYTAUTAS ZUMERIS, an U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Pioneer, famous art sculpturer LEONAS PIVORIUNAS, one of Chairmen of the famous U.S.S.R. „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“, poet and drama writer  VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ (ВиталийАсовский) and the Chairmen of the famous U.S.S.R. „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“, talanted trainerCESLAV TAMULEVICH (ЧеславТамулевич). A number of the Heads of the foreign delegations took part at the ceremony.

Speaking about the year of 2020 we would like to say special thaks to a number of Amateur and Professional Athletes who among World‘s best 10 000 athletes climbed up in the prestigeous „World Ranking List“: KUSHAL CHANGMAI, DHRUWA TAMULY, SHANKAY TANWAR (all from India), HANNA SKYTTA (Finland), MAROS KANASZ (Slovakia), MARINA VLASOVA, MICHAIL MALEK, ALEXANDER PULBERE, NIKOLAJ VOROBJOV, ALISA KLIMOVA (all from Russia), OKSANA KONDRATOVA (Vietnam), ALEKSEJ PETKEVICH (Latvia),  ROMAN POLSHIN (Estonia), DAINIUS DZIKEVICHUS, KARINA RADZIABOVA, AKVILE SHARKAITE, ALEKSANDRA KUKRESH SOROKINA, OLGA KOLESOVA, MARINA LEGENZOVA (all from Lithuania).

The W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International works on the unique Project – the „World Body Building Encyclopedia“Энциклопедиявсемирногокультуризма»). According to the time represented it will be issued in four parts (four books). Working on the first part of the Encyclopedia we found that a number of well known bodybuilders declared their winnings of the famous contests but they were not in the lists of any bodybuilding organization which ever organized these competitions. We started scrutinizing the historical material deeper an deeper and finally we found the unpublished historical materials. The materials proved of the thirty years of unknown bodybuilding history which was hidden from us for some definite reasons. This changed all our Encyclopedia text written before and we had to start from the beginning again. We hope to present the first book of the „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ at the beginning of the 2021.

As CORONA VIRUS is planned until May, 2021 the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.  will organize all main International competitions starting from June, 2021 till end of September, 2021. In most World Countries the new CORONA VIRUS will start in October, 2021. We have real Great Works to do for You and for the History of the World Bodybuilding.

No one other International Organization, that represents our sport, can not be proud of so long history of it’s International activities. No one of them has so many Country - Members. No one organizes so many official International events. No one of other organizations seek developing of our sport on official level, but the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F.. They even do not try to do this. To say more – today all International Federations have chosen the commercial way of their development and nearly all of them  are private commercial profit companies today, not sport federations.

Representing World‘s Fitness and Bodybuilding Sport the W.F.F. - International and the W.B.B.F. - International are the only ones World Wide Officially Registered International Non Profit Sport Organizations that work well for our sport so long time. New ideas and tremendous work done for the International Sport make the W.F.F. and W.B.B.F. to be the today’s International Leaders in Bodybuilding and Fitness World Wide. We mean real sport and the Official Level. The W.F.F. and W.B.B.F. do not live yesterday’s life. We have lots of  new Global Bodybuilding Projects ahead.


God bless all of us in our sincere pray!