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In 1959 the USA „Father of Weightlifting“ BOB HOFFMAN through the International Weightlifting Federation F.I.H.C. first time brought bodybuilding sport to the Socialist Countries. That was the World Weightlifting Championship in Warszawa - the Capital of the Polish Democratic Republic. Then F.I.H.C. organized the bodybuilding „Mr. Universe“ in Warszawa too.

They say, that in the sixties of the last Century the bodybuilding pioneers in the U.S.S.R. were Estonian GEORG TENNO (Георг Тенно) and Russian ROMAN MOROZ (Роман Мороз). In 1963 under the influence of BOB HOFFMAN the first International Bodybuilding Organization in the Socialist Countries (Всесоюзная комиссия по атлетической гимнастике) was established by the Ministry of Sport U.S.S.R.. it was set at the U.S.S.R. Weightlifting Federation then. To control the bodybuilding sport the Ministry appointed the Chairman of this organization. That was a friend of BOB HOFFMAN a known  U.S.S.R. wightlifting authority ROMAN MOROZ. The mentioned organization did not work as there were no bodybuilders in the U.S.S.R. at that time.

It was nothing special when a bodybuilding organization was established at the weightlifting federation of any country. International Weightlifting Federation F.I.H.C. since 1947 rulled the official World Bodybuilding. F.I.H.C. and A.A.U. were members of the Inetnational Olympic Commitee. In fact using the positions in F.I.H.C. and A.A.U. the official World and U.S.A. bodybuilding sport was rulled by BOB HOFFMAN. Until 1969 no one could fight with BOB HOFFMAN when he had the I.O.C. members F.I.H.C. and A.A.U. behind.

Later in 1968 the mentioned International Bodybuilding Organization of the Socialist Countries was renewed. It happened during an International Contest in Lithuania. Among the five members of the Executive Council the Chairmen was ellected the same Russian ROMAN MOROZ.

More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. –  W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U.,, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.