Uniting 89 National Sport Federations representing all Continents World Fitness Federation and World Bodybuilding Federation are the only ones officially registered International Public Non Profit Sport Federations World Wide (representing Bodybuilding and Fitness).
All other subjects which call themselves “International Federation” are not registered officially. Sometimes only their Name and Logo are registered but not International Federation as such. Being not registered they have no Registration Certificate, no stamp (seal), no book-keeping etc.
In most cases such “International Federations” are private Companies belonging as a private property to 1-2 persons. Even more - often such “International Federation” is just a gathering of few private persons…
For example, in 2007 a French Supplement Trading Company organized a contest in Jeketerinburg (Russia ) and called it “World Championship”. Is it serious?
Another private Company organizes many International Contests World Wide and many of us used to treat it seriously. But a few years ago the Owner of this Company tried to sell it in USA (unfortunately nobody wanted to buy…). Who can say what the New Owner will say for sportsmen, who joined this company thinking it is a real International Sport Federation?
Then we have a question: is it legal and are the “World Champions” of such “International Federations” real World Champions? Maybe they are just Champions of a Supplement Shop or even worse?
International WFF and WBBF Federations work in tune with Governmental and Public Institutions of various countries. Evaluating the importance of sport for people Heads of the Organizing Committees of the WFF-WBBF World and Continental Championships were Presidents of Parliaments, Prime-Ministers and Ministers.
There was the Official Meeting of the Members WFF-WBBF Executive Committee in the Parliament Republic Lithuania during the 2007 WFF-WBBF World Championships.
World’s Bodybuilding and Fitness Leaders told about their future plans, discussed various national and international sport problems.
Every day fitness becomes more and more popular World Wide. More and more people use to attend and train in Fitness Gyms. Involving millions of people to the sport the total number of Fitness Gyms is growingso rapidly that it makes fitness sport No.1 in the World!
In the summer of 2007 WFF-WBBF International Congress was held in Palanga ( Lithuania ). Many International sport problems were discussed at the Congress. Among them:
- Dividing WFF and WBBF
- WFF Contract with WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency
- 2007 WFF and WBBF World Amateur and Pro Championships ( Moscow, Russia and Vilnius,Lithuania )
- In 2008 WFF-WBBF International plans to organize over 60 International Events World Wide
After dividing WFF and WBBF each of them have their own ways of activities:
- WFF – fitness (“Fit-Kid”, Aerobic Fitness, Model Fitness, Disabled Fitness)
- WBBF – bodybuilding (Classic, Performance, Athletic, Super Athletic, Extreme).
Both International Federations organize Amateur and Pro World and Continental Championships as well as other International Contests.
WFF-WBBF organize World and Continent Championships as well as various activities for years:Europe , South America , North America .
The number of WFF-WBBF Country-Members grow rapidly. Due to this the International Federation decided to organize WFF-WBBF Asia Championship next year (probably in India ).
Every year WFF-WBBF hold annual International Seminar for Trainers and Judges. The participants listen to a theoretical course and take part in the practical exercises. After the examination they receive a Common Level International Certificate.
Last years the International Seminar was held in January in Daugavpils ( Latvia ).
In 2008 “Amber Prix International” celebrates it’s 40 years anniversary.
This is a very well known International Contest World Wide. Today many International Internet Pages write about “Amber Prix International”.
The History of Bodybuilding and Fitness is directly connected with the History of one of the World’s Oldest Traditional Contest - “Amber Prix International”.
There are some old traditional International Contests in other Countries too. But the organizers of these Contests are some private persons or private Sport Gyms, not an International Sport Federation. This means the different Official Status of the International Competition:
· „Amber Prix International“ is organized by the Official International Sport Federation
· Commercial International Contest „Olympia“ is run by a private Company (Private Owner)
· International Contest „Universe“ is organized by a Public Sport Club named „NABBA UK“.
No secret, in 1973-1986 Bodybuilding was prohibited as sport in USSR and many East Europe Countries. The main reason was: Bodybuilding comes “from the Western World”. Nevertheless we broke the obstacles went on organizing “Amber Prix International” in a half-legal way.
Many Socialist Countries united under the idea of the “Amber Prix International”. Sportsmen of the Socialist Countries could not cross the “Iron Wall” and participate at the International Contests that were held in the West.
In fact, for many years “Amber Prix International” was the World Championship of the Socialist Countries.
During the “Cold War” we were in touch with Bodybuilders World Wide. Press of many Countries was writing reports about the “Amber Prix International”, “Weider Publications” as well.
When the political climate became warmer, times of “Perestrojka” came. Governments of the Socialist Countries recognized Bodybuilding. USSR Sport Ministry (Goskomsport) evaluated “Amber Prix International” very much. It started to give Honorable Sport Names for the Champions of the “Amber Prix International”.
A number of World Wide famous names grew in the “Amber Prix International”: OLEGAS ZURAS, NATALIA MURNIKOVIENE, JOLANTA MILERIUTE, ROLANDAS POCIUS (all Lithuania), OLEV ANNUS (Estonia-Finland), SERGEJ OGORODNIKOV (Russia), OLEG ZUR (Ukraine), MASSIMO MONACO (Italy) and many others.
“Amber Prix International” is popular today too. At 2007 “Amber Prix International” in Klaipeda (Lithuania ) participated over 200 athletes from 22 Countries.
The over all Winners were JELENA FRENKEL ( Israel) and ALEKSANDR SEVCOV ( Estonia).
Different from other International Federations, WFF-WBBF has clear future vision.
The strategic aims of WFF International are:
· Seeking IOC (International Olympic Committee) recognition
· Seeking membership of GAISF
In August 2007 WFF signed the Anti-Doping Contract with WADA and those aims became real.
At the same time we underline that International Bodybuilding has big problems: synthetic implants, sylikons, sinthol, transvestites in Women Championships etc… A human being is never perfect. We never say: stop, it is enough…It is always interesting to learn the limit of our absolute mental and physical state. It is always interesting to know what limit a human being can reach to the maximum. Fitness is one of the ways to do it!