World fitness federation | World body building federation/p>
We are proud to state that today WFF (World Fitness Federation) and WBBF (World Bodybuilding Federation) unite National Organizations and sportsmen representing all Continents with 85 Countries in total.
Different from all other International Bodybuilding and Fitness Federations WFF-International and WBBF-International are officially registered by Law as the International Social Non Profit Sport Organizations.
Most so called “International Bodybuilding and Fitness Federations” are private properties (Companies) belonging to one or two Owners or often they even are not officially registered by Law at all… Sometimes it looks like absurd: a French Supplement Trading Shop calls itself “International Federation” and it organizes annual World Championships.
Working World Wide WFF-International coordinates it’s activities with State Sport Ministries and Olympic Committees of various countries.
During the last years High State Officials were the Heads of Organizing Committees of the WFF-International Events with Ministers and Parliament Leaders among them. Heads of political parties, Vice Speaker of the Parliament Russia , Heads of State and Regional Governments as well as City Majors often were the Honorable Guests at the WFF-International Events.
WFF-International all together with a number of great International Contests has organized 2007 Europe Championships:
- Europe Amateur Championships, Klaipeda, Lithuania, nearly 400 Athletes from 27 Countries.
- Europe Professional Championship, Jekaterinburg, Russia, 20 000 US dollars prize money.
Traditionally Europe Championships are Open letting Teams from other Continents participate too. This year delegations from USA , Australia , Israel , Jordan and Iran were present at WFF European Championships.
Represented by OWUIS MAHMOUD AHMAD ABUMUHEISEN the Kingdom of Jordan became the 85-th Country-Member of WFF-International. At the same time WFF Executive Council elected OWUIS MAHMOUD AHMAD ABUMUHEISEN to the Position of the WFF Official in Arab Countries.
National Television Lithuania produced a one hour report from the WFF Europe Amateur Championships and this report was on television a number of times. The huge Klaipėda City Sport Hall with over 1000 seats was full and hundreds of sport fans were waching the contest on foot.
The National Delegation from Poland was as numerous as never. Sportsmen were followed by the Municipal Delegates and Businessmen from the City of Bydgoscz. While Atletes were participating at the competition the Municipal Delegates had a meeting of Friendship and Collaboration with Klaipėda City Administrator.
For the last years National Parliaments of the European Union pay great attention to the Doping in Sport. Governmental Institutions of some Countries underlined that WFF-International still has not joined the World Anti-Doping Code.
In order to join the World Anti-Doping Code WFF-International is in dialogue with WADA from February 2007.
Joining the World Anti-Doping Code caused various discussions inside the federation. There were different opinions on the matter. It takes definite time to prepare and to decide for all 85 Country-Members.
Wishing to work in tune with WADA, the 2007 International Congress decided:
- representing “Fit-Kid”, Model Fitness and Aerobic Fitness Movements World Fitness Federation (WFF-International) is ready to join the World Anti-Doping Code any moment and informs WADA about it.
- to register the World Bodybuilding Federation (WBBF-International) representing all other International Sport Movements (Classic Fitness, Bodybuilding etc.).
WBBF-International collects those sportsmen and officials who are still discussing ways to join the World Anti-Doping Code. The final decision of each Country-Member on the matter is to be made in two year’s time.
As a result the 2007 World Championships will be organized this way:
- WBBF World Amateur Championships, Moscow ( Russia ), November 10
- WFF World “Fit-Kid”, Model Fitness and Aerobic Fitness Championships, Vilnius ( Lithuania ), November 17
- WBBF World Professional Championships, Vilnius ( Lithuania ) November 18
Soon the International Sport World will celebrate the 40 years of the „Amber Prix International“ Contest.
The first „Amber Prix International“ was held in Klaipėda (Lithuania) in 1968 and now it has an honorable history with the Great International Sport Names.
The „Amber Prix International“ is the World‘s Oldest Traditional still running International Contest which is organized by the officially registered International Social Non Profit Sport Federation.