World fitness federation | World body building federation/p>
The first WFF (World Fitness Federation) Professional World Championship took place in 2004 in Vilnius (Lithuania). ANDREJ BASOV (Secretary General WFF EH, President WFF Russia) was elected by WFF Executive Council to the position of the Director of WFF Professional Division.
According the Statute of the WFF Pro Division any WFF World or European Champion may become a Pro Athlete after paying 50 USD annual fee and receiving WFF Pro Card.
Every year more and more bodybuilders participate in WFF contests. In order to separate less muscular athletes from bodybuilders WFF Executive Council set two quality categories for men and two for women.
In 2004 WFF Pro Cards were given to thirty eight fitness athletes. The first WFF Pro World Champions became DMITRIJ CIZOV and IRINA ZINCENKO from Russia and MASSIMO MONACO from Italy. At the moment these fitness professionals are leading the WFF Professional Athletes Ranking List.
2005 WFF Pro World Championship will take place in November 26 in Moscow (Russia).