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I.O.C., A.A.U., F.I.H.C., N.A.B.B.A.


I.O.C., A.A.U., F.I.H.C., N.A.B.B.A..



Why „Socialist“ bodybuilding was so much diferent from the „Western“ one? To get the answer we must to study the biography of American BOB HOFFMAN and the documents of the International Weightlifting F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile) federation. Only then the answer will come. And this is the ABC of bodybuilding. One can not read and one can not write if he does not know the ABC.

All his life BOB HOFFMAN was working together with the A.A.U. („Amateur Athletes Union“). A.A.U. was the Ministry of Sport in the USA by fact. BOB HOFMAN wanted bodybuilding to become the Olympic sport and step by step he was keeping on this direction. Due to his efforts in 1947 a member of the I.O.C. International F.I.H.C. federation included bodybuilding in it‘s programmes. F.I.H.C. started ruling official bodybuilding sport. This way BOB HOFFMAN saw the real recognition of bodybuilding as sport. He was always supported by the Chairmen of the A.A.U., the F.I.H.C., the National Olympic Committe of the USA and by the I.O.C.. For many years the Chairman of the A.A.U., the National Olympic Committe of the USA and of the I.O.C. was a good friend of BOB HOFFMAN. That was AVERY BRUNDAGE (1887 – 1975). No other companies or organizations could compete with BOB HOFFMAN during the time of his active work in bodybuilding because the A.A.U., the F.I.H.C., the National Olympic Committe of the USA and of the I.O.C. was behind BOB HOFFMAN.

After the WWII WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN started their private company „I.F.B.B.“ (International Federation of Bodybuilders) but the company worked only in the USA and Canada. In 1950 N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) started it‘s work in Great Britain, but that was a National Association only.

It is evident today that it was BOB HOFFMAN who brought bodybuilding sport to many countries, the Great Britain as well. Due to his efforts in 1947 the F.I.H.C. started ruling the official bodybuilding sport. The first in the sport history „Mr. Universe“ contest was organized in 1947 in the USA. Since that time it was always held together with the F.I.H.C. World Weightlifting Championship. In 1947 the Over All „Mr. Universe“ Champion was a pupil of BOB HOFFMAN American STEVE STANKO.

By the initiative of BOB HOFFMAN the second F.I.H.C. „Mr. Universe“ contest was held in 1948 in London (Great Britain). It was organized during the London Olympic Games. This was possible to do only when a member of the I.O.C. International F.I.H.C. federation was behind it. Formally the organizer of the „Mr. Universe“ was a member of the F.I.H.C. British B.A.W.L.A. (British Amateur Weightlifting Association). The Over All „Mr. Universe“ was again a pupil of BOB HOFFMAN American JOHN GRIMEK.

In the Socialist Countries bodybuilding appeared also by the efforts of BOB HOFFMAN. It happened in 1959 when the F.I.H.C. organized World Weightlifting Championship in Warszawa (People‘s Republic of Poland, P.N.R., Polska Narodowa Respublika). As a tradition the F.I.H.C. bodybuilding „Mr. Universe“ was held at the same time. Then the Over All Champion was French GUY MIERCZUK. The people of the Socialist World first time saw „live“ bodybuilders. National Weightlifting Federations of the Socialist Countries started setting their bodybuilding departments. First of all it happened in the U.S.S.R., People‘s Republic of Poland, German Democratic Republic (D.D.R., Deutches Demokratishe Republik) and Czechoslovakian SSR (Č.S.S.R., Československa Socialisticka Respublika).

The article will be continued.

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