World fitness federation | World body building federation/p>
Our life goes on very speedy. Today we have no doubts that WFF-International (World Fitness Federation) is the only one officially registered social no profit seeking International Sport Organization World Wide. All other so called International Bodybuilding or Fitness “federations” and “associations” are registered as private commercial firms or even have no official registration at all though they call themselves “International Federation” or “International Association”.
If we speak serious and officially, National Federations should present in public Registration Certificate and Statute (Juridical Constitution) of their International Sport Organization they represent in their Countries. Then everybody can see clearly that often there is no International Federation at all, just a private commercial trading firm – shop only. It will be an awful situation when Governments and Social Organizations of many Countries will see that they have supported for years a private commercial supplement’s shop which called itself “International Federation” or in another case they have supported an “International Sport Organization” which has no registration at all! It means they have supported just a few private friends who played the game of “International Federation”... And they are still paying!
The official registration of an International Sport Federation for sportsmen is not important. They just participate in various contests and nothing more. But it is important when International Federation or even National Federation address the Governments of various Countries asking for support. Then the Governmental Institutions should ask their Registration Certificate and Statute and look whether this is a federation or a private commercial firm or even just a group of friends to make contests and have a good time!
America lives it’ own life. Mostly America is not interested much in what is going on in the World. Well, it makes no harm to anybody. But do not forget that there is active sport life outside America . Not long ago Americans “have found America ” in Europe (like European Columbus “have found America ” before) – Americans were surprised to learn the history of bodybuilding and fitness that was in Post-Communist Countries (and this is half of the World!!!). Nothing strange – there was “Iron Wall” separating the two Worlds and only little information was passing through. But the history of sport in Post-Communist Countries is real, with real contests, with real athletes.
Yes, there are many good sportsmen in America . But other Continents should not be forgotten too. They have their History of Sport, they have their own Great Names! It is a fact!
A few years ago the dictatorship of one “best, biggest, most beautiful and most clever” so called “federation” ended. New International Sport Units came on the International Sport Stage. These Units have no less ambitions for the future as the “best and biggest” so called International Sport Organization.
Following the decisions of the International Congress WFF-International moves ahead. There are 83 Country-Members in WFF-International today and this figure use to grow constantly. For the last period of time Morocco (President MAHAMMED ZEKRAOUI) and Paraguay (President MARTINES MILCIADES) National Federations joined WFF-International.
Governmental and Social Organizations of many countries support activities of WFF-International. Deciding from many sports the President of the Finish Republic TARJA HALONEN invited TERO LINTUNEN (President WFF in Scandinavian Countries) to the Independence Day’s celebration.
In the period of 2007 – 2008 WFF - International plans to organize big International Events in USA , Mexico , Venezuela , Argentina , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , Russia , Latvia , Czech, Slovakia , Poland , Azerbajdzhan, Austria and Lithuania .
Ending the year of 2006 the Governer of Tver Region ( Russian Federation ) DMITRIJ ZELENIN supported WFF-International in organizing successful WFF World Amateur Championships (286 athletes from 34 Countries participated in Tver). The sportsmen from South America did very well at this contest.
Ending the year of 2006 in Buenos Aires (Argentina) the official WFF South America Championship was held by the President WFF South America JORGE CEDALE. International Pro Fitness Star MONICA BRANT visited Buenos Aires as well.
Ending the year of 2006 the official WFF North America Championship was held in Mexico City ( Mexico ). Well known WFF-International promoters JUAN CARLOS and his wife ALINA LUCIANO worked in tune with the President WFF North America MICHAEL GLASS and his Vice President MONICA HUERTA.
WFF-International Presidents use to attend International Events of other International Sport Organizations. WFF-International Secretary SVETLANA PUGACIOVA visited 2006 famous commercial „Olympia“ competition in USA. Together with the President WFF North America MICHAEL GLASS they both represented WFF-International at last „Olympia“ giving the new WFF magazine (in English) to all present at the event. They have spoken with the new owner of the private commercial „Olympia“ contest (the previous owner of „Olympia“ JOE WEIDER has sold the contest to another person some time ago).
Some beautiful WFF-International World records still remain unchanged:
- 2004 WFF World Championships were televised by „Lithuania telekomas“ „live“ in Internet (the prise of it was about 45 000 US dollars)
- 2005 WFF World Championships collected 742 athletes from 32 countries
- 2005 WFF World Championships Over All Winners received Genuine Diamonds from „Fabricant Corporation Ltd.“
- 2004, 2005, 2006 WFF World Championships were supported by the Government Republic Lithuania.
The nearest coming goals of WFF-International:
- annual WFF Continental Championships (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia)
- annual WFF World Amateur Championships
- annual WFF Pro World and WFF Pro Continental Championships and a seria of „WFF Pro World Grand Prix“ Contests in variuos countries
- annual „Amber Prix International“ contest (started in 1968)
- annual WFF-International Trainer‘s and Judges Seminar presenting the participants International Trainers and International Judges Certificates
- annual WFF-International Congress