World fitness federation   |   World body building federation



 There is no doubt that fitness is sport No. 1 in the World. According the statistics today more than three hundred million people attending fitness gyms are connected with regular fitness physical exercises. We do not mean formal popularity. In case of this ancient fights of gladiators should be counted as the most popular kind of sport: many thousands of people gathered to see the streaming human blood of slaves. And during the fights they calmly had their bread and vine at the same time. No, we mean real physical activities of the real number of people training regularly in fitness gyms. 
Why WFF-International (World Fitness Federation) activities are so successful? Starting in the middle of the 20-th century WFF priorities always were the same and still remain unchanged: esthetic symmetric body with “clever” muscular size. Muscles must not be of the extreme size. People attend gyms to be fit and sane, not to become “monsters”. Although it is always interesting to see the possibilities of our body to be transformed to the extreme, but we did not come from the Moon and we are human beings! In general fitness exercises are the straight way to total fitness and extreme muscles are only as an experiment with few human bodies only, not more. WFF-International has always been against the extreme transformation. 
Today fitness became a part of every day’s life for millions of people world wide and nearly of all well known stars of Show Business and Cinema Actors. 
Today there is no any kind of sport which can survive without hard work in a fitness gym. 

WFF-International is the only one in the World officially registered  non profit seeking social International Sport Federation. It has Registration Certificate, Constitution, Judging Rules, Stamp, Flag, Logo, Bank Accounts. All other fitness and bodybuilding federations are private firms of private persons or often they even have no registration at all. Starting to deal with any International Sport Federation (Association) ask the Registration Certificate first. Then you will know who is in front of you. As every commercial firm, such „federations“ or „associations“ are interested in commercial profit first. Sport is not the priority. Especialy it is important now, when European Union has recomanded it‘s members to stop supporting private sport organizations and private sport firms. 
The popularity of WFF-International grows every day. More and more countries from different Continents join WFF. Representing all Continents today sixty two countries are the members of WFF-International. 
During the year of 2006 the Governmental and social organzations of Slovakia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Russia and Lithania supported WFF-International. 
To solve strategic questions WFF-International holds annual International Congress. 2006 WFF-International Congress will be held in July, 2006  in  Palanga (Republic Lithuania )
WFF-International organizes annual Seminar for Trainers and Judges, giving them International Certificates. 2006 WFF Seminar for Trainers and Judges was held in January in Daugavpils (Republic Latvia ). 

Russia, USA, Lithuania, Argentina, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia are playing important role developing fitness world wide. There are definite reasons. 
The Headquarters of WFF-International are in Lithuania . During the last ten years being supported by the Governments, these countries have organized a number of big international events. 
First time WFF World Amateur Championship (Palanga, Republic Lithuania ) Government supported in 1998. That was the first great International WFF event to point out the future international goals. Though WFF contests were televised many times (as well as by “Eurosport”), 2004 WFF World Amateur Championship ( Vilnius ) first time was “live” in internet. 2005 WFF World Amateur Championship collected unbelievable number of competitors – 742 from 32 countries! The Over All Winners of 2005 WFF Amateur World Championships world wide famous “Fabricant Corporation” awarded with Genuine Diamonds. Five times WFF World Champion JOLANTA MILERIUTE received personal award from the President Republic Lithuania VALDAS ADAMKUS. 
Evaluating the importance of fitness to the development of sport and physical culture world wide, the Government Lithuania decided to support 2006 WFF Pro World in Vilnius too (Government’s Decision Act No. 381, dated April 19, 2006). The Head of the Organizing Committee of WFF World Championships is the Minister of Defence   Republic   Lithuania GEDIMINAS KIRKILAS. 
Governmental and social organzations of the Russian Federation has been supporting WFF-International for years. The Vice Speaker Parliament Russian Federation, the Representative of the President Russian Federation and other High Officials were present at WFF-International events hold in this country. During the last period of time a number of great international events were held in Russia. That were the 2003 WFF World Amateur Championships, 2005 WFF Professional World Chmpionships, three WFF European Amateur Championships (2002, 2004, 2006). 
On the international map of sport the role of the Republic of Latvia is seen too. WFF Latvia have organized two WFF Europe Amateur Championships (2000, 2005) and 2006 WFF Europe Grand Prix contest. 
Governmental and social organzations of the Latvia Republic are supporting WFF as well. In April 2006 WFF-International Presidents visited the Prime Minister Republic Latvia Mr.AIGARS KALVITIS and the Heads of the Olympic Committee Republic Latvia and the  Ministery of Sport Republic Latvia. Positive decisions on the development of fitness in Latvia were made. 
Visiting the International Fitness Contest in the Republic of Poland (April, Bydgosczcz) the WFF-International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded by the high sport officials of the Poland   Republic

Nobody can neglect the evident crisis in the sport of bodybuilding. Most International Federations are fighting inside and in between. Most of them split. 
At the same time the growth of WFF-International is evident. 
During the last months a number of world wide well known persons addressed the WFF-International to represent WFF in USA
After JOE WEIDER sold his private “ Olympia ” contest, one of “ Olympia ” organizers MICHAEL GLASS joined WFF.  MICHAEL GLASS was elected to the WFF USA President’s position. The 2006 WFF-International Congress approved him to represent WFF-International in all North America Countries. 
Developing WFF in USA a number of well known persons supported MICHAEL GLASS. Among them LOUIS ZWICK (the organizer of many famous international events), WAYNE DE MILIA (ex IFBB – International Federation of Body Builders -  Pro Director), ROBERT KENNEDY (famous sport writer, the publisher of a number of sport magazines). 
Being not occupied with “ Olympia ’s”, MICHAEL GLASS decided to organize the “Show of the Shows” next year in California . That will be WFF professional contest “World against USA ”. 
At the same time WFF-International goes on with it’s activities in the South America Continent too. In May WFF President for the South America countries JORGE CEDALE have organized a big international WFF show in Buenos Aires ( Argentina ). This contest was the first official WFF competition in the Continent. 

Every year WFF-International holds Amateur World and Continental Championships, Professional World and Europe Championships. Governments support only World and Continental Championships, as only that are the official ones in every kind of sport. All other contests like British NABBA “Universe”, WFF “Amber Prix International” are the ordinary competitions, they are not official and they are not recognized and supported by Governmental Sport Institutions of any country. The most high ranking in non Olympic sports has World Championship, then goes Continental Championship and only then follow other contests. 
At the same time “Universe” of NABBA UK and “Amber Prix International” of WFF are the two oldest still running international contests world wide and we are proud of it. 
In 2006 WFF-International already organized the following contests: 
“WFF Europe Grand Prix“, Riga, Latvia 
XXX-th “Amber Prix International”, 384 competitors, Klaipeda, Lithuania 
WFF Amateur Europe Championships , 372 competitors, Moscow, Russia 
WFF Professional Europe Championships, Jekaterinburg (20 000 USD), Russia 
The coming 2006 WFF-International events: 
WFF Amateur World Championships, November 10-12, Tver, Russia 
WFF Professional World Championships (20 000 USD, November 24-26, Vilnius, Lithuania
WFF Professional “Amber Prix International”, Jekaterinburg (20 000 USD), December 1-3, Russia (under discussion)