World fitness federation   |   World body building federation



FOTO by JURIJ GUCAN: International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS, World‘s Best Bodybuilder ALEKSANDR SEVCOV, WBBF „Universe“ Champion and a Hollywood Actor and Producer ALEKSANDR NEVSKY (called „Russia Schwarzenegger“).




The 2011 is the 113-th  year of the World‘s Bodybuilding History (from  EUGENY SANDOW, UK) and  the 83-d year of the World‘s Fitness History (from BRONE DUBAR, NY, USA). The WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation)  International is working to make Bodybuilding and Fitness sport official and recognized and that is the strategic aim of the Federation. Everybody knows very well that the former International Bodybuilding Leaders have chosen  wrong way to develop the sport. Bodybuilding lost it‘s former „good name“ and public oppinion about it is very negative today. Different from all other International Federations the only one WFF-WBBF looks for the ways to change the situation. It takes time as the previous wrong way of development lasted for decades.  Great work confronts the Federation and the WFF-WBBF is ready to do the best as it can and as much as the God blesses it‘s works.

During the last years the Srtucture of the WFF-WBBF International became more concentrated and stable. Looking for the best ways the Federation is always in move.  Not everybody can stand inovations and big activities the WFF-WBBF is involved.  A number of weak persons leave the Federation from time to time. But this makes the WFF-WBBF International even more strong.

Popularizing sport and fitness around the Woirld every year the WFF-WBBF holds over 60 International Events around the World.  It publishes magazines in various languages, issues DVD‘s of the Contests, organizes International Trainer‘s and Judge‘s Seminars, makes and participates at various International Conferences.

Today having great financial and organizing possibilities the WFF-WBBF International starts „exporting“ Contests. It means that the Federation pays tickets and living expences for the World‘s Best Athletes as well as for  it‘s „working team“ (people occupied in organizing International Events).  The International Federation has possibilities to offer Stipendium Contracts for the Best Bodybuilders now. Every year the number of Pro Card Qualifying International Contests is growing giving the best Sportsmen opportunities to receive a Pro Card. For the last two decades the World Federation runs the WORLD RANKING LIST, counting the contest results of a number of thousands of the World‘s Best Participating Athletes (see, „World Ranking List“).

 The International Society see the activities done by the International Federation WFF-WBBF: supporting the healthy way of life for all people on International Level, involving in these activities children, disabled people, people of respectfull age etc..

Working hard for more than fourty years the WFF-WBBF International received definite recognition. Seeking the recognition of Bodybuilding Sport, today nobody can neglect the positive social work done by the WFF-WBBF. 

Diferent to other „International Federations“ the Official Juridical Status of the WFF-WBBF International alows it to  get the common touches with the International Organizations like IOC, WADA, GAISF. Still there are some dificulties as those Organizations are Private Companies, they seek profit and business when the WFF-WBBF is an International  Social No Profit Federation.

But fact is fact – the WFF-WBBF is the only one International Federation which seeks the offical recognition of bodybuilding on official level. Other International Federatioins do not take part in the official International Sport movement and development.



Real positive work done by the International WFF-WBBF Federation opens doors of many Governmental, Political and Social Leaders of various Countries. Highest Level Official Meetings, friendly discussions are held to speak over the International Sport Problems and to coordinate common work.

During the latest period of time the Heads of the WFF-WBBF International had a number of Official Meetings with a number of VIP Personalities: the President Republic Slovakia IVAN GASPAROVIC,  the former President Republic Slovakia PhD RUDOLF SCHUSTER, the President Parliament Austria Professor ALFRED GERSTL, President Parliament Republic Lithuania ARUNAS VALINSKAS, Prime Ministers Republic Slovakia VLADIMIR MECIAR  and ROBERT FICO, Prime Minister Republic Lithuania GEDIMINAS KIRKILAS, Prime Minister Republic Latvia AIGARS KALVITIS, Ministers and Government Members of  Vatican, Poland, Russia, Estonia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Heads of the National Olympic Commitees of Estonia and Lithuania, City Majors of Prague (Czech), Bydgoszcz and Katowice (Poland), Duisburg (Germany), Graz and Linz (Austria), Coimbra (Portugal), Eretria (Greece), Tallinn (Estonia), Tver and Jekaterinburg (Russia), and many Majors Cities Lithuania.

In 2011 Official Meetings of the Heads WFF-WBBF International were held in the Parliaments Republic Slovakia and Republic Lithuania, the Official Meetings were held at the Embesses of Vatican, Italy, Cuba and India.



The positive work done by the WFF-WBBF  International was seen  and evaluated:

-          at the 2011 WFF-WBBF Official visit to Vatican  the International President

 EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded by the Vatican Congregat Perfect J.EM. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO with  the Pontific Medal (Medaglia Ufficiale di Pontificato di Sua Santita Benedetto XVI).  This is the sole happening in the World‘s Sport History until now.


-          In Portugal during the IV-th Convent OSMTH the International President  EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded by the Bishop ARCHIMANDRITE CHARALAMPY  with the St. Nicholas the Wonderworker’s Silver-Gold Medal


-          International President  EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded with the Diploma of Honour of the Prime Minister Republic Slovakia ROBERT FICO



-          International President  EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS together with the Governor State California ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER  was honorably included to the Honour Book Kingdom Denmark


-          International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was awarded by International JOHN GRIMEK Award (Italy)



-          International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS awarded with the Latvia Auseklis Order.



We hear much, we speak much, but is it real? Is it the truth? No secret, that the contemporary story of the World’s Bodybuilding History is not correct. We all know that the Bodybuilding Sport Histroy was been written to satisfy the interests of the Commercial IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Company. Nobody elese wrote any other story of the World‘s Bodybuilding Sport History (WFF-WBBF is  going to present for public it‘s  story soon). Getting wrong information the International Sport Society has been fooled for decades (see documents on, read forum topic „IFBB/EFBB illegal financial deals“).  Our statement is easy to prove as the IFBB Highest Officials and Lowers after the IFBB split sent us over 600 pages of authentic IFBB documents and asked us to publish them. When a friendly International Federation asked us, so we did it. It is plainly seen how all of us were fooled by the Commercial IFBB Company Owners for so long time.

Today the number of so called „International Sport Federations“ is fast growing. Again the World‘s Sport Society is being fooled as people think those federations are real, but they are not from the point of view of Law. Again it is easy to prove. Just have a look at the juridical documents of those „international federations“, see the Constitution, the Registration Certificate. But try to see the most important  – have a look at their book keeping documents. There are no such documents as none of them do book keeping.And even if they are – that are of the documents some other Companies, not of an International Federation You look for. We underline – no book keeping means no federation. Sometimes „federations“ cheat people some other way: for example NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Association) declares to be an International Sport Association. But NABBA International has no juridic registration and it does no book keeping. You can not dare to show the financial documents of NABBA even to Your wife. You could say NABBA UK? But NABBA UK is a Public Club registered by Law. Where is NABBA - International then? So what is this? Children‘s game? It has nothing to do with any International Sport Activities in fact. And that is why NABBA never appears anywhere officially: no Official Meetings, no press etc...

Well, let us see what have happened with the IFBB (all other „International Federations“ are in much worse position from the juridic Low point of view. They do not egzist in real life even as a Commercial Company as the IFBB is in real). Try to see the juridical and book keeping documents of the IFBB we received from the IFBB Officials to present  and  - „finito la comedia“ for all long lasting lies. Folowing these documents we can state - there is no International Federation of the IFBB, sorry.

That is why again and again we state and underline that only the WFF-WBBF is officially registered by Law as a No Profit Social International Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation.  Today the WFF-WBBF International unites organizations from 103 Countries, that represent all Continents. The WFF-WBBF has over fourty years lasting history and it goes on working basing on this history.



The activities of the WFF-WBBF International are directly connected with one of the World‘s Oldest still running International Bodybuilding „Amber Prix International“ (1968 - 2011) Contest. The tradition goes on and in November, 2011 the WFF-WBBF holds it‘s first Professional „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ in Slovak Brusno Kupele resort.  See more information on „Amber Prix International“ on main page and sport history forum topics.



A number of  officials representing illegal from the piont of view of Law International Sport Federations feel jealous and engry about the work the WFF-WBBF is doing. But why so? Nothing personal. Just make official registration of Your International Federation and we will be first to shake Your hand. But do it.  Do the same as we are doing more that fourty years!

Wishing to stop the WFF-WBBF World Championship in Bydgoszcz (Poland) in 2008 the International IFBB Official PAVEL FILEBORN published in Polish press false information about the WFF-WBBF. The WFF-WBBF warned him to face the Court Trial for this, and then he went down and stepped back. Even in Poland the WFF-WBBF is official and recognized (that proves the letter of the Minister Sport Poland).

Today again we see a number of weak and jealous people in Latvia, Germany trying to do the same. We just friendly warn them  –  be careful about what You say and even more about what You write...

In order to fool people and officials they go on speaking lies about the WFF-WBBF, sometimes they try to use the names: WFF, World Fitness Federation, „Amber Prix International“ etc..  which are Trade Marks of the WFF-WBBF International.

In 2011 the WPF (World Phisyque Federation)  and NABBA  in Lithuania used the WFF-WBBF name without permittion at a contest and the WFF-WBBF friendly warned them offering a Court Trial. Preparing the documents for the Court the WFF-WBBF International started working with the Lowers, but finally the opponents got affrayed and changed the name of their event.

The WFF-WBBF underlines once again: we are a peacefull Federation, registered as International Sport Federation officially, not fooling everybody as all other „International Federations“ did for years and still do. and we are ready to stand our honor at the Court. Writing lies, speaking and fooling around – it is not our business. We are official, we work official, we know what we say and we are ready to face anybody on official level even in Court  if anybody is brave enough to face us.