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On September 24-26, 2011 the professional „Sheru Classic“ contest took place in India. But the attraction of all India bodybuilders and India media power was focussed towards the greatest 2011 India bodybuilding event: „2011 WFF-WBBF Pathankot Punjab Championship Open“ which was held on the same day. The India Pathankot competition was the selection of the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) National Bodybuilding Team India to the coming World‘s most important bodybuilding events: 2011 WFF-WBBF Amateur and Professional World Championships and „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ in Austria and Slovakia (20 000 euro, November 2-6), more info on the International Site ). Also the „2011 WFF-WBBF Pathankot Punjab Championship Open“ was a rehersal before coming in December the "2011 WFF-WBBF Asia Pro Championship Open" (20 000 euro) which will be also held in India.
The „2011 WFF-WBBF Pathankot Punjab Championship Open“ was supported by the India State Minister MASTER MOHAN LAL, who was present at the Event in person. The International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was on the Official Visit in India and participated at the Pathankot Event too. The biggest region streets and squares were decorated with huge contest advertizing posters. Coming from the Press Conference to the Championship‘s Venue the Minister and the International President were folowed by the armed police escort which stopped for this time the trafic in the City Streets. Among numerous Respectfull Guests the Highest State Police and Military Officers were present as VIP Guests at the „2011 WFF-WBBF Pathankot Punjab Championship Open“ too.
Being with the official visit in India the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS had a number of various level official meetings among which were two Ministers, two Leaders of India political parties, many other different level State Governmental Officials, sport, social and religious Leaders.
At the „2011 WFF-WBBF Pathankot Punjab Championship Open“ a wide press conference was held. Again the India State Minister MASTER MOHAN LAL and the International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the President WFF-WBBF Asia PRINCE UPPAL were present at the press conference together. Confirming India to be the Leader in Asia bodybuilding, the huge work and activities of the WFF-WBBF International were presented to public. The WFF-WBBF big future plans spreading healthy way of life and promoting bodybuilding on all levels in India were presented to public media. Many India National and Internatgional media representatives covered the event. A number of reports were on various India State televisions. The Pathankot Event itself was televised too.
The „2011 WFF-WBBF Pathankot Punjab Championship Open“ was organized by the National Federation WFF-WBBF India. President WFF-WBBF Asia and India PRINCE UPPAL appreciated huge work that was done by the President WFF-WBBF Pathankot VINOD KUMAR and WFF-WBBF Pathankot Secretary General PANKAJ SHARMA.
The contest collected over 130 competitors from 7 States India. Many competitors came from all other India States but seeing the high level of the contest and huge responsibility to represent India at the coming 2011 World Amateur Championship and „Universe“ in Vienna (Austria) did not dare to compete. The multy-thousand places Stadium-venue of the „2011 WFF-WBBF Pathankot Punjab Championship Open“ was full of spectators and fans and that gave a positive mood for all present.
„2011 WFF-WBBF Pathankot Punjab Championship Open“ Contest was crowned by the spectacular Show Programmes of the WBBF Pro Bodybuilders SUKHWINDER SINGH and NAVTEJ SINGH (Both from India).
During the official visit of the International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to India the new strategic international goal was set: in the nearest future to organize the "2011 WFF-WBBF Asia Pro Championship Open" (20 000 euro) in India. Also the WFF-WBBF International Executuive Council thinks of the possibilities to organize not one, but two Pro Events in India in a row (making prize money doubled – 20 000 and again 20 000 euro), just some days separating one Pro Event from another. The President WFF-WBBF Asia PRINCE UPPAL is looking for the possibilities to pay air tickets for overseas professionals.
Be frank. 2011 India Pro Bodybuilding event in Mumbai „Sheru Classic“ was of no value seeking bodybuilding recognition as official sport. It was a Show, not a sport competition. Due to strategic mistakes for many years by old International Bodybuilding Leaders spoiled image of bodybuilding is not so easy to recover back. The WFF-WBBF International works hard to make the bodybuilding official and recognized sport. To present USA Pros as the „universal bodybuilding model“ and to say that International Bodybuilding aims to be as they are – makes no sense. Opposite, due to the mistaken politics of the previous International Bodybuilding Leaders today having neggative attitude to bodybuilding through the World this way we would get even worse public responce.
At the same days as „Sheru Classic“ the WFF-WBBF International very sucessfully presented „2011 WFF-WBBF Pathankot Punjab Championship Open“ and that was a real bodybuilding sport contest. And this contest had evident official political sport value to India and the International Bodybuilding as well. India governmental and political leaders were present at this event. Wide media gave huge covering of the event and this event did much positive for popularising sport and healthy way of life in one of the biggest Wold‘s countrties – beautiful India. WFF-WBBF International knows very well the ways to reach strategic goals to get the bodybuilding sport recognition in order everyone to be proud and not ashamed to be a bodybuilder.