World fitness federation | World body building federation/p>
„We always wanted to to do something definite but now people want to be known personalities doing nothing“
Margaret Thatcher
World‘s Bodybuilding History of the former huge territory of Socialist Countries is not well known to the Western World. To say the truth – it is compleatelly unknown. We want to underline that the World‘s Bodybuilding History was and still is connected directly with one of the World‘s Oldest Traditional still running International Bodybuilding „Amber Prix International“ Contest (1968-2012).
Bodybuilding sport in Socialist Countries survived hard times during the „communist times“. Due to political reasons for more than two decades bodybuilding was prohibited and prosecuted in all Socialist Countries especially in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). We have presented this history in diferent languages in details at the International Page and at the International Magazine „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ (issues No. 28 and 34) as wel as in various articles of the International Press and Internet Sites.
For long lasting years of bodybuilding prosecution the contemporary International President WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was the sole person who dared on his personal risk and responsibility to stand for bodybuilding sport on official level and to confront the highest Political Governmental Institutions of the Communist Times even the Central Committee of the USSR Communist Party in Moscow (Russia). We have spoken about this with the Highest Vatican State Officials in 2011 at the Vatican State Headquarters, when the Official Meeting of the International WFF-WBBF Officials was held there. The Highest Vatican State Officials positivelly evaluated the work done by the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and the WFF-WBBF International.
On the name of the Pontific the Vatican Congregat Prefect J.Em. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO awarded the International President WFF-WBBF EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS and High WFF-WBBF International Official STEFAN HRCKA with the Vatican Pontific Medals (Medaglia Ufficiale di Pontificato di Sua Santita Benedetto XVI). See detailed reports on the International Page and International Magazine „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ (issues 33, 34).
Thanks the God the risky activities and straight dialoque of EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the Moscow Communist Political Institutions, Sport Ministry and Communist Press ended well. The prohibition of bodybuilding did not stop but they gave permittion for EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to go on organizing the anual Bodybuilding „Amber Prix International“ Contest. This was the real win for all bodybuilders, the real political win against Communist regime of those severe tense times. For many years the „Amber Prix International“ was the sole regular International Bodybuilding Contest of all Socialist Countries as nobody else dared to organize International bodybuilding competitions on regular base but EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. Looking from this angle it gives an extreme importance to the „Amber Prix International“ and it‘s organizers. The period of time from 1968 until now is not so short if to compare with other sports. And this period was extremelly important for the World‘s Bodybuilding as the times of the real risky fight for the sport was going on. Today various people speak various stories of themselves, but what is important – they have never been personally involved in the activities of those times and what they speak now is based on rumours only, not facts. Some of them are not interested to speak of times of bodybuilding prosecution as they were not present there or often some of them then were frightened and hiding themselves away from bodybuilding activities (see International Page and read International Magazine „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ (issues 28, 33, 34).
When the USSR Communist Party leader and the first USSR President MICHAIL GORBACIOV came to power and opened the doors for „perestroika“, the better times for bodybuioding sport appeared. A number of International Contests were organized in other Socialist Countries too ( for example „Comsomol Bodybuilding Contest“ in Kaunas City organized by RAMUTIS KAIRAITIS). Then many of those bodybuilders who were hiding away from prosecution during the „hard risky times“ appeared in public again. Among them was after 13 years of „hiding break“ the contemporary IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders“) Russia President VLADIMIR DUBININ. It happened under personal invitation of EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS for him come to the „Amber Prix International“ to Klaipeda, Lithuania. And so he did, as the „dark times“ were over. Many such persons today present the Bodybuiding History as there were no „black days“ of bodybuilding prosecution because they also were frightened and were not present at the activities then. Now many of them are „respected heroes“ now, but where they were for the long lasting times of the fight with Communist Polititions for the survival of bodybuilding sport? It was a classic picture we are used to see – if all goes well, they say „we did it all together“, but when all goes bad, then they have the person guilty to sacrify and it is as always EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS who dared to confront the Communist regime in Moscow. Having in mind the background like this we look at the sole regular „Amber Prix International“ bodybuilding contest with diferent eyes an we can not underestimate it too much from political and historical point of view in the World‘s Bodybuilding History.
For the twenty years of the prohibition ond prosecution of bodybuilding in the Socialist Countries until in 1988 the USSR Bodybuilding Federation was set and registered the Klaipeda Body Building Federation was the only one to be official. No other diferent level USSR bodybuilding units with various names and titles were official and legal. Thau were just free units of free sport lovers having no juridical status in real. That is why the Klaipeda Body Building Federation was the only one of the kind to be really legal to deal fith Governmental Institutions. As a result achieved through the EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS confrontation with the Communist Political Institutions Klaipeda Body Building Federation was officially registered and it had a unique permittion to have it‘s own finances and to organize anual „Amber Prix International“. Klaipeda Body Building Federation could not have another name and another higher status as already this was already against normal Communist mentality and position and the Communist regime would never permitted anything more. We were realistic and we were happy to have this.
The Official Legal Status of the Klaipeda Body Building Federation was respected not only by Communist Political Governmental Institutions, but by all known International Bodybuilding Leaders of the Western World too. Being the Lower and as a Phylology specialist knowing a number of languages EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was in friendly relations and easy communicated with the Owner and President of the Private IFBB Company BEN WEIDER, Owner and President of WABBA (World Amateur Body Building Association) SERGE NUBRET, President of the UK Public Club NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Association) OSCAR HEIDENSTAM (see International Page and read International Magazine „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ (issues 28, 33, 34).
No surprise that many Bodybuilding Sport Organizers envied Klaipeda Body Building Federation. Some of them even tried to make problems for it. But the time put everybody and everything in it’s right places and today we have a clear picture of who is who and what is what.
Let us underline once again that for the two dark and hard decades the „Amber Prix International“ was the sole anual International Bodybuilding Contest in the Socialist Countries. Having Official Legal Status for such a long period the „Amber Prix International“ was the unofficial USSR Bodybuilding Championship in fact. This was recognized even by the USSR Sport Ministerium (Goskomsport) which started to give honorable „USSR Sport Master“ names for the „Amber Prix International“ Category Winners. Nobody else dared to fight the Communist regime to organize International Bodybuilding Contests and we can say that the sole recognized and official „Amber Prix International“ was the unofficial World Championship of the Socialist Countries. „Amber Prix International“ collected best Socialist World Bodybuilders in Klaipeda every year. Even today many International Bodybuilding Federations can not reach the level of the „Amber Prix International“ contests of those times not by the level of the sportsmen participating and not by the number of participating athletes. For example in 1989 „Amber Prix International“ in four height categories participated nearly 200 bodybuilders representing 51 team. Today sole World Championship Categories of any International Federation have 50 participants.
Chronologically the folowing activities went this way: paying no attention to the new coming threats from the Russian Moscow Communist regime again the sole one who dared to stand for the Bodybuilding Sport was EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. In 1991 EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was the first to register the National Body Building Association in the Independent Lithuania. Then aganist orders from Moscow EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS collected the best International Level Bodybuilders and went to Europe Championship that was held in Epinal (France). Only later when democratic changes came to Russia other Socialist Countries dared to register National Bodybuilding Federations. But again – they were afrayed and they were hiding themselves when EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was acting when there were the hard times for bodybuiders.
Diferent from all other International Bodybuilding Leaders through over 40 years lasting „Amber Prix International“ History EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS never went away from being personally resposible in his works and sayings and always fulfilled what he sayed. Nothing changed today. Nobody helped EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS in his activities, especially International ones. Everything, every step forward like pioneers we had to do ourselves. Everything EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS did on his own risk and on his own mind. Bodybuilders needed a Gym – this is a Gym for You; Bodybuilders needed a federation – this is a federation for You; Bodybuilders needed a contest – this is the historical „Amber Prix International“ for You; Bodybuilders needed methodical training knowlidge – EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS collected and translated International Sport literature, systemized it and issued in different languages millions of issues of methodical Sport Magazines that grew a number of new generations of Bodybuilders of the World; Bodybuilders needed an International federation – this is the WFF-WBBF International for You too.
It is time today to stop decades lasting lies in International Bodybuilding Sport and to start making permanent changes. The awful situation of the contemporary sport must be changed basically and the ordinary people should start respecting Bodybuilding Sport as it have been long ago. The WFF-WBBF International works hard on this question now.
Try to present in wide public and to evaluate real works done by everybody of us in person. Everybody can speak. But what You have done? Try to do as we did, try to do it for more than 40 yaears non stop including the very hard times for bodybuilding. Be brave enough to pass the real dangerous obstacles. Then we can say we are equal to eveluate the situation and we can sit together and plan the Great Future of the sport we all love so much.
After studying the documents presented in 2012 the Russia Journalists started naming EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS as the „Father of Russia Bodybuilding“ in their articles. Somebody do not like it? Again in this background what is the value of sayings of come people about the History of Bodybuilding when they were not themselves present in this history?
The WFF-WBBF International do has a great long over 40 years lasting History. The WFF-WBBF International has World Wide well known Great Names of the International Level Bodybuilders. Due to the „Iron Wall“ the Socialist World was closed from the Democratic Society and unfortunatelly only few knew about our sport activities and our lives. But it does not mean that nothing happened on the other side of the „Iron Wall“. Many great things happened in Socialist Countries and many of them were better than those ones presented to public in the West.
The new ideas and the Hostory of the World Bodybuilding Sport the WFF-WBBF International presents today are scrutinized and studied by sport specialists of many countries. National Olympic Committees of a number of Countries studied the background of the WFF-WBBF International and agreed with our position (Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Poland, Czech, Afghanistan). Ministries of sport of a number of Countries expressed the same position too (Canada, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Czech, Estonia, Lithuania, Uganda). Highest Parliament and Government Officials of different Countries open doors for the WFF-WBBF Officials to discuss the situation in sport and public (India, Canada, Russia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Czech, Austria, Germany, Greece) . Many our articles are already published in diferent countries through the World. Well known International Bibliothecs ask for the WFF-WBBF International magazines (such as State Leipzig Bibliothec, Germany).