World fitness federation | World body building federation/p>
Uniting the Continent
Developing Bodybuilding and Fitness World Wide for many yeras WFF-WBBF International was in close contacts with Africa Countries.
National Federations and individual Atletes from Africa participated at the WFF-WBBF International Contests.
Most often that were Marocco, Egypt, Nigeria and Algeria.
In 2008 the WFF-WBBF International was joined by the National Federation Republic of South Africa:
Dear International President Edmundas Daubaras,
I Tommy Du Rand will be the National President for WFF and WBBF be here in South Africa . It is a honour to be part of such a wonderful organization like WFF and WBBF.
For the last twenty two years I was very actively involved in the sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness.
In 1989 I have joined IFBB and was part of the IFBB Eastern Gauteng Committee for sixteen years. I was the Chairman for eleven years and an official International Judge since 2004.
In 2005 I have joined WPF and was the Chairman for the Eastern Gauteng province for two years. For the last two years I was the National Head Judge for South Africa .
In 2006 I was the Team Manager for the South African Team that have participated in the WPF “Universe” in France .
In 2007 I have hosted the WPF “Universe” in South Africa .
In 2008 I was the Chief Marshall on the “Universe” also in France .
I am also the biggest Bodybuilding Promoter in South Africa .
I have three National Shows that I host every year with about two hundred entries in each championship for the last ten years.
I am very well known among the athletes as well as all the other Bodybuilding Federations here in South Africa .
I am well respected by the athletes as well as Committee Members form the different federations.
I have done my homework on the WFF-WBBF federation and have decided that the WFF and WBBF is a far better federation to be part off.
I am working for the sport of bodybuilding and fitness and the athletes deserve the best and I think WFF and WBBF is the best for the athletes her in South Africa .
We already have a national executive committee in place and we also have lined up a number of Fitness and Bodybuilding Events and for 2009.
That is with out the National Event to select a team that we can take over for the WFF-WBBF “Universe”.
I have also set up a website for South Africa that will give our athletes more info about WFF and WBBF. The website address is going to be
See forward to meet you in person.
Tommy Du Rand
National President WFF and WBBF in South Africa .