World fitness federation | World body building federation/p>
Everybody knows that in 2007 WFF-International separated Sport Fitness from Sport Bodybuilding and the WBBF appeared. The WFF has signed the WADA documents and it is still in the dialogue with WADA.
Working on the common Project with the European Union the WFF-International at the World Amateur Championships and at the Europe Amateur Championships sets new Quality Categories:
Classic Sport Fitness with Age Groups of 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21 and over 21 years.
The first time the Classic Sport Fitness will be presented at the 2009 WFF-WBBF Europe Amateur Championship in Klaipeda (May 8-11, Lithuania ).
Is there anybody who can say that the today's bodybuilding is not in a very big crisis?
The reason of this were not individual sportsmen but the long lasting wrong global sport politics of the NABBA-WABBA-IFBB.
The politics of bodybuilding sport in general was wrong and today the World’s bodybuilding is in a very deep crisis causing new and new problems for all sides.
Feeling this and after receiving the negative answer from the IOC, ten years ago the Weider brothers left bodybuilding and this caused even greater problems for the International sport.
Today bodybuilding has fully negative social opinion.
The IOC, National Governments, National Sport Ministries, social and public groups, press and television separated themselves from bodybuilding and built the wall from it.
High State Officials of most World’s Countries do not like the contemporary bodybuilding and none of them wants to deal with bodybuilding on the respected official way today.
Today bodybuilding sport looks like a small religious sect and it covers the life of a very narrow group of people. Negative public opinion makes bodybuilding to survive for it’s life. Bodybuilding is in struggle for it’s life, but the most important is that there is no future, no perspective. There is nobody to say and there is nobody show the way out for bodybuilding of the situation. Even more, to be frank – there is no way out.
That is why the WFF-International has chosen another way. Yes, we are experimenting more and more. But the WFF does not want to get in the same situation as bodybuilding is in and the WFF acts to find the way out. This way is very different to the ways of other traditional federations. But the WFF does it’s best to find the right way and that is not so easy.
We see that other traditional federations are satisfied with what the bodybuilding sport life today is, but not the WFF.
The WFF aims to be the International Leader of our kind of sport. The 90 National Members of the WFF-International representing All Continents prove us that the WFF is on the right way.
The WFF aims to get all possible official recognition and support you can imagine.
And the WFF works on this very hard.
Edmundas Daubaras
President WFF-WBBF International