World fitness federation | World body building federation/p>
For long years the World was divided by the „Iron Wall“ and in both sides nobody had enough information or had no information at all as there were a number of „clever“ business men who wanted to hide the truth.
A number of business men named their private commercial Corporations „International Federation“ and came to all Continents bringing variuos sweets, toys and other worthless materials. Nothing new: long ago Christopher Columbus did the same with the „Indians“ in America.
The „Aborigens“ from all Continents (I mean all of us...) took those „sweets“ without shewing and believed the fairy tales told by the owners of these commercial Corporations (so called „International Federations“).
In order to make their commercial products more attractive, the Corporations wrote many fairy tales and the naive sportsmen used to like them.
The private Corporations issued various sport magazines which were the advertisements and prize lists of their commercial products in fact.
Receiving some „sweets“ many famous sportsmen used to advertise the products of the Corporations and many naive patriotic „representatives“ used to make propaganda on it. All this made the lies grow and last for a long time.
After many years lasting discussions in 2009 the World received the documental proof for all that was said above here: under the names of „International Federations“ were hiding a few private business dealers.
These private dealers cheated and fooled all of us for years and the respected International Organizations like IOC, GAISF, WADA, Governmental Institutions of many Countries as well.
It is the time to look at the history of our sport from another angle and to open the eyes of many people fooled by these Corporations.