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World Fitness Federation (W.F.F. - International)

World Body Building Federation (W.B.B.F. - International)

Since 1968 141 Country Members Representing All Continents




(May 10, 2025, Klaipeda, Lithuania).


Meeting with Governmental Officials to discuss future of International Sport.

(May 11, 2025, Vilkaviskis, Lithuania)

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World Fitness Federation (W.F.F. International)
World Body Building Federation (W.B.B.F. International)
(Since 1968, 141 Country Members, 60 International Events World Wide) 
Over All Winners
Year, Competitors Name, Country.
2024 Ivanova Jelena, Latvia

2023 Poviloniene Vilma, Lithuania

2022 Skytta Hanna, Finland

2021 Kolesova Olga, Lithuania

2020 Sorokina Kukres Aleksandra, Lithuania

2019 Tjutjavina Valentina Estonia

2018 Pavlova Anna Latvia
2017 Rijnece Ineta Latvia
2016 Karabanova Valentina Russia
2015 Orlova Svetlana Russia
2014 Sabirova Jekaterina Russia
2013 Asijaviciene Vilma Lithuania
2012 Kokos Ilona Lithuania
2011 Bogdanova Airida Lithuania
2010 Talmakova Tatjana Russia
2009 Satkauskaite Zita Lithuania
2008 Kokos Ilona Lithuania
2007 Jokubauskyte Radvile Lithuania
2006 Kukina Julija Latvia
2005 Mileriute Jolanta Lithuania
2004 Pugacheva Svetlana Russia
2003 Morgun Svetlana Russia
2002 Pugacheva Svetlana Russia
2001 Glagoleva Viktorija Russia
2000 Burinskaja Marina Latvia
1999 Degutiene Lilija Lithuania
1998 Masiuliene Lijana Lithuania
1997 Daubaraite Edita Lithuania
1996 Valiukeviciute Simona Lithuania
1995 Kaminskaite Idalija Lithuania
1994 Suncova Zanna Russia

Year, Competitors Name, Country.
2024 Sakne Gatis, Latvia

2023 Lapshin Aleksej, Estonia

2022 Polshin Roman, Estonia

2021 Petkevic Aleksej, Latvia

2020 Dzikevicius Dainius, Lithuania

2019 Dzikevicius Dainius Lithuania

2018 Artemjev Igor Russia
2017 Baishev Jevgenij Russia
2016 Ignatjev Jevgenij Russia
2015 Rumiancev Andrej Estonia
2014 Kocedykov Aleksej Russia
2013 Pauliukevicius Andrius Lithuania
2012 Vladimirov Aleksandr Lithuania
2011 Pauliukevicius Andrius Lithuania
2010 Bruzas Nerijus Lithuania
2009 Aleksandrov Vitalij Latvia
2008 Sciogolev Aleksandr Russia
2007 Dzikevicius Dainius Lithuania
2006 Liubomirov Aleksandr Latvia
2005 Liubomirov Aleksandr Latvia
2004 Maslovskij Aleksandr Latvia
2003 Visockis Aivars Latvia
2002 Kornyshev Nikolaj Estonia
2001 Jashankin Dmitrij Russia
2000 Doronin Denis Lithuania
1999 Kiivikas Ott Estonia
1998 Bacevicius Gediminas Lithuania
1997 Pocius Rolandas Lithuania
1996 Ivanov Roman Russia
1995 Kilciauskas Algirdas Lithuania
1994 Kilciauskas Algirdas Lithuania

Chairman International WFF-WBBF Judges Council
Edita Sendriene


More detailed information on the International Site, see forum topics. 






Step by step working on the third book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” (“Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija”, «Энциклопедии всемирного культуризма») we are presenting histories of various International bodybuilding organizations. It was easy until fall of the Socialist World: since 1971 until 1998 I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) represented officially recognized sport and since 1950 N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) represented never officially recognized bodybuilding. We will make a number of unexpected articles on the history of N.A.B.B.A. in the nearest future. You will learn things You never dreamed of...

More information is on Global Site 

New articles




1991 “MR. URAL”.


Before it started.

Time goes so fast and today in public often comes information which is far away from the truth. People who were not present at certain events are writing articles and books which are based on rumours. They pay no attention to the facts and opinion of the real participants of these events. For example, several years ago in Lithuania was issued a book “Lithuanian bodybuilding history” which carries facts that are not correct. Some time ago in Russia was issued a book about a famous Russia bodybuilder VLADIMIR DUBININ. For thirty  years VLADIMIR DUBININ  was the President of the National I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders)  Federation of  Russia. There are many not correct facts and interpretations on the history of the U.S.S.R. bodybuilding in the book.

Today after thirty years in internet appeared false information about the 1991 International “Mr. Ural” contest. The information is published by a former Russian bodybuilder OLEG ANDREJEV (Олег Андреев). People start discussing the angry letter of an U.S.S.R. official which he wrote on the background of rumours only.

Continuing our work on the unique International project of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” («Энциклопедия мирового культуризма», „Pasaulio kultūrizmo enciklopedija“)  in 2020 we plan to issue in various languages a book about the history of bodybuilding in the U.S.S.R.. There will be many historical documents, authentic stories and pictures and the reader will have a chance to see the historic happenings on different angle.

1991 “Mr. Ural” Contest

The organizer of the 1990-1991 “Mr. Ural” Contest in Ural Ufa City was ALTAF GALEJEV. For a number of years ALTAF GALEJEV  used to come with Ufa bodybuilding team to the  officially recognized World’s oldest traditional bodybuilding contest “Amber Prix International” (1968-2022, “Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз»). Participating at the 1991 “Mr. Ural” Contest contemporary President of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS  and his wife were the invited personal guests of the organizer ALTAF GALEJEV.

Judges of the 1991 “Mr. Ural”.

Though at the 1991 “Mr. Ural” together with the U.S.S.R. bodybuilders participated teams of Germany, Holland and U.S.A. – the judges were only of the U.S.S.R. side. These judges in years were known one to another. To say more – these judges were trainers of the sportsmen, who participated at the 1991 “Mr. Ural” Contest and their personal interest in the competition results was very plain and clear. Even more: Lithuanian Judge ARVYDAS MILVYDAS some time before started working as the director of Vilnius sport centre. He had possibilities to offer money to bodybuilders. So he did. ARVYDAS MILVYDAS offered money to a number of known bodybuilders who were for many years trained by a famous U.S.S.R. trainer VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ. The bodybuilders of VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ without any hesitation left him and run to ARVYDAS MILVYDAS. Today when sport became totally commercial  it is nothing special about this, many athletes use to do this. But in the U.S.S.R. of 1991 it was a single unfair happening on the moral side. Having no trainer’s experience before it ARVYDAS MILVYDAS appeared at “Mr. Ural” Competition in Ufa with his team of known bodybuilders.


After the calculation of the 1991 “Mr. Ural” Contest results the awards ceremony started. Among the usual traditional awards for the winners were the carpets. To understand the situation now we should explain the situation of life in the U.S.S.R.. It is impossible to understand it easy for the contemporary people. Due to political situation for many years cars, carpets, spare parts for cars etc. were impossible to get in the U.S.S.R.. Only the trade unions of the U.S.S.R. were giving special licences for the best workers to buy these things. For German, Holland and U.S.A. participants of the 1991 “Mr. Ural” these carpets were of no value. But the representatives of the U.S.S.R. looked upon this differently. For them the carpets were of great value.  A scandal started during the award ceremony. German, Holland and the U.S.A. representatives did not agree with the judging and they insisted to cancel the judging results.

It was a break at the contest announced. Then the contest organizer ALTAF GALEJEV  collected official representatives of Germany, Holland and U.S.A. for a special meeting. The only one at the competition knowing well the English and the German languages DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was present at the meeting too. The German team was led to Ufa by a famous National trainer of the German team. The team consisted of famous International athletes and among them AUREL HILLEBRAND – one of the winners of the 1991 Europe Championship. At the meeting the representatives spoke that “they came to a bodybuilding contest and not to the place of dividing carpets. Why ALTAF GALEJEV invited them to UFA if there is only the manipulation with carpets?” After the  discussion all of the representatives decided to change the results only in one category. They replaced Lithuanian OLEG ZUR with AUREL HILLEBRAND giving the first place to the German bodybuilder. Also OLEG ZUR had to give back to the German the carpets... AUREL HILLEBRAND  did not want to take the carpets saying he came to the bodybuilding competition and he does not need them. We would like to remind that later in 2004 Lithuanian OLEG ZUR was the over all I.F.B.B. World Champion in Moscow. By the way the 2004 I.F.B.B. World Championship was also full of intrigues. Any can find in various languages the historic documents, articles at the International Page , read information on the main page and in the forum topics.

Scandal of carpets goes on.

Returned from 1991 “Mr. Ural” home the Lithuania bodybuilders were upset.  They told their story to the Secretary of the U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS. Hearing only one side and based only on words and rumours ROMANAS KALINAUSKAS wrote an angry letter to the President of the U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation VLADIMIR DUBININ. Then a special Congress of the U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation Council was announced. The Congress put punishment to the 1991 “Mr. Ural” organizer  ALTAF GALEJEV. Then ALTAF GALEJEV left the I.F.B.B. and started working with another International Federation.

More information on International Site 






In the sixties of the last century the greatest bodybuilding propaganda in the USSR was made by the Estonian weightlifter GEORG TENNO (Георгий Тэнно). GEORG TENNO was a former navy officer and participant of the Second World War. In 1948 due to a false accusement of spying against the USSR GEORG TENNO was arrested and sentenced to eight years imprisonment. It happened that GEORG TENNO was placed in the same prison cell together with the USSR disident ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN  (Александр Солженицын). During the imprisonment GEORG TENNO made five unsuccessfull attempts to run away. There is a story about GEORG TENNO in the famous book of ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN „Arkhipelag Gulag“ named „The Runaway“ “ («Убежденный беглец»). About GEORG TENNO ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN wrote: „He was the most stronger and the most brave of us...“. In 1970 Nobel Committee awarded ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN with the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Ending the fifties of the last century GEORGIJ TENNO was released from the prison. He started working at the USSR Institute of Scientific Studies of the Physical Culture (ВНИИФК, Всесоюзный научно исследовательский институт физической культуры).

In 1968 GEORG TENNO published his book „The Athletism“ («Атлетизм»). At once it became very popular. The book was full of information: training methods, recupperation after workouts and various diets. At that time this was a unique information. Though GEORG TENNO did not speak about the sources of his knowlidge but it was evident he used various foreign literature. The work at the institute gave him such opportunities. After imprisonment GEORG TENNO knew very well all political moments and he was carefull. Due to this in his book he wrote that „bodybuilding is not to stay in fron of a mirror. Bodybuilding is to strenthen the muscles that will serve to the country“.

Once VLADIMIR CIUDINOV in the USSR popular magazine „Sportivnaja žizn Rossii“ («Спортивная жизнь России») insisted that the USSR system of physical culture should accept the bodybuilding methods developed by GEORG TENNO. He speaks how GEORG TENNO translated information from the „West“ literature. Often he just copied the methodical information. GEORG TENNO never saw any diference between the bodybuilding and the „athletism“. Also GEORG TENNO thought that „everybody for himself is the advicer and the trainer“.

Suddenly when the prosecution of bodybuilding started GEORG TENNO  died in an accident. Who knows - maybe it was an accidental death.

To remember GEORG TENNO Estonians started organizing the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно») contest in 1971. Fourteen Memorials were organized until 1989. For long years of the bodybuilding prohibition and prosecution in the Socialist Countries  „Georg Tenno Memorial“ and the historic „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis Prizas“, «Янтарный приз», 1968-2019) were the only one regular bodybuilding competitons in the Socialist Countries.

Remark: the documents of the „Georg Tenno Memorial“ collected by the President WFF-WBBF Estonia INNAR MARDO are kept in the archieves of the WFF-WBBF International Federation.

More detailed information on the Global International Site, see forum topics.