World fitness federation   |   World body building federation



Federation Sponsor‘s Privacy Politics

The Federation takes the responsibility to advertize the Sponsor in the International Internet Site and in the International Magazine „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“ (issued from 1989 in various languages, spread free of charge through various Contries during the most important International Events of the Federation) and on the Stage Boards of the Federation‘s Most Important International Events World Wide as well as in various Media Units that collaborate with the Federation.

The Sponsor should address the Federation via e.mail and present to the Federation correct information about himself and his Logo. The Federation must not open Sponsors information to other persons without the permittion of the Sponsor. Every case of it must be spoken over with the Sponsor. The exception is only the Laws of the Country where the Federation is registered. The Federation agrees to use the newest High Technologies in order not to open the Sponsor‘s information to anybody.

The Federation can correct the presented mistaken Sponsor‘s information.

Using the Sponsor‘s Address the Federation can send him Letters of Merrit and other information connected with the Sponsor.

The Federation and the Administration of the International Internet Site quarantee the privacy of the Sponsor‘s Information.

The Sponsor‘s Information can be open only for the heads of the Federation and the Persons the Federation will choose to do some definite tasks with the Sponsor.